Clearly God can destroy you without cause and can give you a fish, or a serpent, and it’s all good.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
18 A Pawn Job 2009.10.11
Clearly God can destroy you without cause and can give you a fish, or a serpent, and it’s all good.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Come Clean, Obama 26 Sep 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Vaccine Induced Crash 10.09.2009
- "In early July, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that children, pregnant women, health care workers, and adults with chronic illnesses will be first to be vaccinated. Reports indicate that inoculations will begin in early October, preceded by media-hyped fear urging everyone to get one."
- "• vaccines don’t protect against diseases they’re designed to prevent and often cause them; • all vaccines contain harmful toxins, including mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), and squalene adjuvants that weaken and can destroy the human immune system, making it vulnerable to many annoying to life-threatening illnesses; and • evidence suggests that the H1N1 strain was bioengineered in a US laboratory, and the vaccines being produced for it are extremely hazardous and potentially lethal."
If vaccines sicken and/or kill children, pregnant women, health care workers, and adults with chronic illnesses, who will be left alive? "healthy adults?" Let's see... wipe out the current bunch of school-aged kids...
- The economic sectors devoted to providing goods and services to kids will go away; think fast food, toys, apparel, entertainment, indoctrination, pediatrics, charities devoted to finding cures for children's disorders, baby sitting, etc.
- Their parents and other survivors experience extreme distress; think loss of interest in living, or working, possible increase in self-medication through alcohol or other antidepressants, hostility toward parents whose kids did not die, increased dissolution of familial relationships, major survivor guilt, etc
wipe out the currently pregnant women and their foetuses
- Here again, economic sectors devoting to providing goods and services to them go away; apparel, obstetrics and gynaecology, entertainment, child-birth classes, exotic food, furniture, etc.
- Familial survivors experience extreme distress; think 2 above squared
wipe out the health care workers...
- When you're sick or injured what are you gonna get? a bullet? a whiff of gas?
- Economic sectors crash; think apparel, tools, furniture, publications, training courses, etc.
wipe out the chronically sick adults...
- Economic sectors crash; think furniture, drugs, appliances, greeting card companies, medical and convalescent care, etc.
- Survivors experience more grief.
Infants and healthy adults will have to pick up the slack. I could be wrong. Maybe vaccines don't kill. Maybe they are good for people. Maybe vaccines prevent illnesses without making their recipients sick. Maybe I am wrong, or overreacting...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Reading Signs CJ 11.25.2006
This is the second missive in a series about the recent election. I discussed “Your most valuable asset” in the first missive, published on November 18, 2006 in this publication. In this one, I will discuss the statement: “Two of the candidates seem to be making an issue, with their expensive slick signs, about the fact that two of their opponents chose to resign from the Council following a legal action taken against the Town Council”.
I have seen the signs. They had pictures of the candidates, their names, and three comments:
1) “We live here”;
2) “We work here”;
3) “& We won’t quit!”.
There was no reference to any other person(s).
A number of Town Council Members have resigned, for a variety of reasons. These two candidates might have been promising, if elected, to serve to the end of their terms. That promise is reasonable.
Since there was no reference to anyone else, there is no basis for guessing that these folk were making an issue of specific actions by anybody.
I will address the matter of ADTC Member liability for legal fees in another missive.
Doc Ellis, Agua Dulce
Your most valuable Asset 11.11.2009
Your most valuable Asset 11.11.2009
To the Editor and to the readers of the Country Journal:
A letter containing several statements was published in the November 4, 2006 edition of this publication. Included were:
1) “…property values (the largest asset most people have)”;
2) “Two of the candidates seem to be making an issue, with their expensive slick signs, about the fact that two of their opponents chose to resign from the Council following a legal action taken against the Town Council.”;
3) “If the Town Council was to be sued again, how much of your personal assets are you willing to commit to defending the Council…”.
I will discuss each of these statements in successive missives, commencing with item 1 in this one.
Property values are not an asset. Property is an asset. An asset can be transferred. It can be used. It can serve as collateral. The right to use something is an asset.
The value of an asset is an opinion. An opinion is subjective, based on facts, or on wishes, on reality or on fantasy. A value is an opinion about the worth of an asset. That asset can be real estate.
The most important asset that you, the reader, have: are you. You own you. Your mind belongs to you and not to anyone else. Without your mind, you cannot earn the resources to acquire assets such as real estate, ideas, tools, or toys. Without your mind, you cannot enjoy life, you cannot appreciate red-tail hawks against blue skies, you cannot respect or despise other people, and you really cannot live.
One more time: You are your most valuable asset.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Marriage, 2009.08.18
A fundamental element of self ownership is your authority to associate with any competent willing person. You can enter into a contract, you can cooperate, and/or you can cohabit with another human who wants the same things you want. As your self owner, you have the responsibility to manage your life; this includes deciding with whom you wish to associate.
Marriage is a purposeful relationship defined through exchanges of promises between its parties. You can see this when you consider the wedding(s) in which you participated or that you witnessed. For example, the parties promise to love, honor, and cherish each other, to stay with each other no matter what, until one dies. Often, someone will discuss why this event is taking place. Weddings are precursors to the marriages that they define. And you can tell how well a marriage turns out by observing how well its parties keep their promises to each other.
Unfortunately, when your life is a resource, other people tell you who and when and why and where and whether you can marry. They demand that you get permission from them, or from those to whom they delegate the power to grant such permission. If you refuse to get permission, these people refuse to recognize your marriage. They may even encourage someone else to coercively marry your partner or you.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Bonds 1.26.2008
Lifestyle Collectivism
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
East Santa Clarita Land Conservation Concept Plan etc
This proposal is an effort to benefit lucky people in the name of enhancing the 'quality of life' of residents and others in the Santa Clarita City (City) area valleys east of the City limits.
By what right or authority, do people working for the City, propose to regulate the behaviour of people outside City limits? What is the legal authority or jurisdiction claimed for mandating compliance with environmentalists' objectives noted (p10) under the heading, 'Santa Clara River Upper Watershed Conservation Plan', second paragraph, in the areas targeted by this Plan? For turning 'shoulds' (p1) into 'shalls'?
Who are the lead agency on this Plan? The City? Los Angeles County government (County)? California State government(State)? United States government (US)? Or some other agency?
Is this an effort to drive up the price of privately-held open space land east of the City limits? Eric Harnett has noted, in a letter to the Country Journal some years ago, that as the City's density increased, adjacent open-space land prices could increase due to their relative scarcity. Indeed, if the proposed acquisitions of targeted open-space land do occur, whatever land that was not acquired could be marketed as premium land due to its proximity to the City and to the other open-space holdings. So, is this an effort to benefit lucky land-owners at taxpayer expense?
Is this also an effort to provide playgrounds at taxpayer expense for affluent users? In my experience, the proposed recreational uses of hiking, trail-bicycling, and horseback riding are all typically enjoyed by people of higher-than-average socioeconomic status. Rather than let these users pay their way, government employees appear to want the acquisition costs to be borne by both users and by non-users, including people who are unable to afford to indulge in such recreational activities. Is this perception accurate?
At the same time, proponents seem eager to bring about a loss of habitats and recreational uses for people of lower socioeconomic levels (p16). The RV parks and campgrounds, targeted for removal or relocation, were/are places where people could enjoy living and recreating in rustic settings for relatively modest payments.
What provisions exist for replacing these particular habitats for people within the Plan area?
Productive use is also to be discouraged (p16). Mining and industrial uses enable people to make money. Why is that a bad thing? Why aren't property owners competent to manage or address open space concerns without punishment, threats, or bribery?
written 2.27.2008 posted here 8.11.2009
East Santa Clarita Land Conservation Concept Plan etc.2
The only role of a government employee is to protect the rights of the individual by safeguarding free access to exercise of his rights to liberty, to life, and to property, provided that he does not materially interfere with the free exercise by another individual of his own rights. Government employees have no business regulating any conduct that does not violate any individual's rights. They have no business providing recreative opportunities to anyone at taxpayer expense. They have no business providing remunerative opportunities to anyone at taxpayer expense.
Environmentalism is a belief system similar to Nazism or Communism, with hatred for human life and happiness. In all cases, individual self-interest is seen to cause undesirable events: destruction of the environment, national decline, exploitation of workers. In all cases, the individual must sacrifice himself to the good of a metaphysical nonentity: the Biosphere, the State, the Working Class. In all cases, people must die for the benefit of: the Planet, the Nation, the Prolectariat. [George Reisman, 'Environmentalism is Recycled Communism and Nazism', LewRockwell.Com, 2/19/2008]
Environmentalism is a human-held belief system that: 'Humans Evil, Everthing Else Good'.
Given the nature of Environmentalism, advancing environmentalist objectives as outlined on pg 10 under the heading 'Santa Clara River Upper Watershed Conservation Plan', second paragraph: 'To preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life in the upper Santa Clara watershed, by protecting the land and waters they need to survive', is not compatible with protecting the rights of the individual.
This Plan is not an appropriate use of taxpayer resources. If individuals want to set aside land that they own for open-space purposes, let them.
written 3.5.2008
posted here 8.11.2009
On Bondage, and Who Pays
In a recent ruling, [in re Rachel L] justices in a California Court of Appeals quoted a 1961 ruling [in re Shinn] by another Court of Appeals to justify their opinion. This quote included the following:"A primary purpose of the education system is to train school children in good citizenship, patriotism, and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."
Note that no mention is made of providing your children with sports opportunities, arts activities, or advanced studies. No mention is made of offering your children opportunities to improve their lives. No mention is made of giving holidays to be observed by your children as you think they should be observed.
In this opinion, there is nothing about teaching your child about his rights and responsibilities as a human being. There is nothing about teaching your child to be literate. There is nothing about teaching your child to think. The only thing that matters to advocates of government schooling is that your children should be indoctrinated to be loyal to the Government.
You are responsible for your child's activities. If you want your scion to play, you make it happen with your own money. If you want your kid to shine in music, you make it happen.If you want your child to go to university, you make it happen. You made the choice to keep the offspring, you take care of it. That is your responsibility, not that of any one else.
Taxation is morally and by definition equal to robbery. Bonds are paid for through taxation. What right do you have to steal from other people to provide for your child's future?
A gut instinct is an indication that emesis or excretion is imminent. A screaming gut instinct means that you have a mess to clean up, soon. Instincts are independent of intellegence. The bankrupty of your position is clear when you use your instincts to justify it.
I am an anti-socialist. You can be one, too. You own you. You decide if you want to or how to share your resources. You decide how you want to pursue your happiness.You decide. It's your life.Update 6.26.2009 more about socialism "Ideas Have Consequences", by Burris. Burris provides a comprehensive discussion. "POOTMOP Redux!", by Long is a contrasting view of socialism worth reading.
Democracy the Tool
Socialism is neither a bogeyman nor a demon. Socialism is a real system that folks can use to control behaviour for the “benefit” of a fill-in-the-blank-group. People can control other people by
- persuading them to believe that they are obligated to obey the majority will
- persuading them to support their objective
- persuading them to join the majority
That is how democracy works.
Voters voted to tax property beginning about 1790. Voters voted to tax labour by amending the US Constitution in 1913. Voters voted to bail out billionaire bankers in the fall of 2008 with tax collection proceeds.
Not. Those are all lies.
The truth is that the US Congress imposed those taxes. US Presidents collected and spent those taxes. And US Judges upheld the imposition, collection, and expenditure of those taxes. This is republican socialism. Voters voted for congress members and for presidents; presidents appointed judges. This is at the federal level. It is not democracy.
At state level, voters voted to tax property. They voted to increase fines and fees. They voted pay buyers of bonds proceeds from increased taxation. They voted to force people to surrender some of their money in the name of a higher purpose than their own. This is democratic socialism.
People use that higher purpose to justify the seizure of property. That higher purpose can be anything: society, the community, the group.
Democracy does not justify a system. The system can be hierarchic, or egalitarian. The system can be collective or individualist. Democracy is just a tool to maintain and manage a system.
update 2009.07.28
Additional reading: "National Security by Spreading Democracy?" by Michael S Rozeff, This is a comprehensive critique of democracy as a form of government.
update 2009.08.30
Additional Reading: "The Tyranny of the Majority, vs the Unanimity of Liberty" by Kaz,>
Sheep, Dogs, and Wolves, Oh My!
Some folks use fables to justify systems. One fable is about people as animals.
Remember, socialism is a coercive political/economic system of group ownership, or group control, of production and consumption resources. Humans interact with each other through rational and emotional behavior. Animals interact with each other according to their nature.
Socialism must have dependents, fabled sheep that sheepdogs protect from wolves. Within socialism, the dominant group members assume defense responsibility because, so they say, “most people are unable to defend themselves.” The socialist group owns the means to produce a good or controls the production of that good. They then distribute or control the distribution of that good. In this case, the good is defense.
Socialism dependents supposedly are weak, only wanting to enjoy life’s pleasures and ignorantly live, just like sheep. I have been around sheep. Some sheep are mellow. I can walk right up to them and touch them. Some sheep are skittish. They see me, they run. Other sheep can be hostile, running right into me if I get close enough to them. Some of the sheep I have seen can inflict serious injuries on attackers. Sheep don’t always behave the way folks say they do.
If you can take care of yourself, you don’t need some sort of nanny-daddy to protect you. Unlike a “sheep”, you can learn to defend and protect yourself.(1)
But a nanny-daddy, kind of like a sheepdog, lives to protect and to control. I have had experience with all kinds of dogs. I have noticed that border collie/Australian shepherd type-sheepdogs bite people, enthusiastically push toys or other objects around, and just love to herd other animals. Poorly trained, such dogs can be a pain in the behind. When well trained, they mind their handlers. Sheepdogs don’t always behave the way folks say they do.
Within socialism, “dogs” protect “sheep” from “wolves”, depicted as indiscriminate sadists who live only to prey on the “sheep”. I can only point out that in real life, wolves tend to spare their own kind, and generally kill only for food. Wolves don’t always behave the way folks say they do.
In the socialist world, animals are consumption actors. Herbivore “Citizen Ewe” is shepherded, sheared, shagged, slaughtered, and savored. Carnivorous “Deputy Dog” cooperates and collaborates, corralling the sheep. Carnivorous “Outlaw Wolf” competes, and consumes. So, who owns sheep? Who directs dogs? Who defines wolves? The group does all of that within socialism.
Real humans do all of that in the real world. You own you. You are not chattel requiring protection. You are not a dog obligated to defend owner interests of chattel. You are not a wolf destroying chattel. You are a human who can learn self-defense, who can join with other like-minded folks in mutual defense, who can control impulses to consume more than productive output.
Thank you, Will Grigg for this :"And We, Like Sheep...."
(1) There are websites where you can learn where to go to learn how to do that. They do offer some free advice.
4. Carcinoma
Social Intercourse
Rape looks like sex, and may even feel like sex. Rape is the motion of sex without the consent of all the movers. Look at rape as coercive management of another person’s actions and property for the benefit of the manager.
People who obligate themselves to have sex with another person (or other people) believe that they have a duty to cooperate. They may sometimes enjoy performing their duty. They may at other times wish they were doing something else. In either case, they do not doubt that another person has a legitimate claim to their cooperation. You could see this as collaborative management of action and property for the benefit of at least one person.
Both types of management are forms of socialism, in which human lives are managed resources for the “common good”. Socialism mimics sex; it can be dreadful, even fatal, or it can be fun. But you cannot refuse to participate.
Lovers have sex because they want to enjoy the sensations that result from action. They want the feeling of closeness that comes from mutual satisfaction. They enjoy liberty to reach out to their partner(s) for satisfaction, liberty to respond to partner desires, liberty to say, “No”.
Liberty is like the best sex you can have. You can cooperate, you can delay, or you can demur. It’s all good. It’s your life.
Economics made easy to understand
- Can you afford this brand (in front of you) or that brand (over there) of whatever?
- Should you spend X for a college degree, or for vocational/technical training?
- Should you invest in a tool, or should you invest in a stock?
- Should you use resources today, or should you defer such use to a later day?
Get a hold of this book. Learn why understanding economics is so important to living in liberty.
Your One Right
You can exercise this right, or you can abstain from exercising it. You can defend this right. You can try to delegate its exercise. You can try to deny its existence. You affirm your one right by doing any of the above. This right is the self-sovereign authority to act.
You can act with impunity in a utopian setting.
Your actions have consequences in the real world. Your right to act is limited by the impact its exercise has on the free exercise of another actor’s right to act. This limitation applies to all actors within a real-world setting.
You can possess a good through voluntary manufacturing, exchange, or transfer. You can think for yourself. These actions are derived from the axiom that you have the right to act.
The right to act does not confer a right to a good. Action refers to efforts you make to accomplish an end. These efforts, aka labor, may result in a product that someone can use. Products, such as shoes or services, are goods. Shoes are material goods; services are immaterial goods.
You can get shoes by making them, or by trading your property for them. Someone could voluntarily give you shoes. These are all legitimate ways to get shoes within liberty. All these ways require that you act: to make, to trade, or to receive. These shoes are goods, products of someone’s efforts.
Someone else provides a service to you. You can legitimately get this service by trading, or as a gift. Service can be anything you can imagine. You can have someone else organize your office or home. You can have someone else represent you in a dispute. You can have someone else treat you for a disease or injury. The list of services ends when you run out of imagination. You have to act: to trade, or to receive. These services are goods, products of someone else’s efforts to organize, to represent, or to treat.
Within liberty, you own you. You have a limited right to act. That limited right includes the authority to legitimately own a good that you made, bought, or received.