Saturday, March 31, 2018

31 About a Retiring Predator

Scott is a 1% predator.

He behaved like a Boy Scout when asked to call AAA on behalf of a civilian. He persuaded the civilian to let him jump-start the civilian's vehicle. 99% of predators would escalate such a request into a violent encounter, claiming to be afraid for their safety.

He shines light on dark events involving cars and critters. 99% of predators will shoot somebody or some critter in such events.

He "Dads" an obnoxious inebriated guy into following him away from an event. 99% of predators would shoot or beat to death an obnoxious inebriated guy and claim that they feared for their lives.

I have never seen any report about Scott that he beat up a motorist during a traffic stop, arrested the guy, and then got a government agency to pay the guy off. 99% of predators would do that, and kill the guy just before he collected the payoff.

I am glad Scott is a 1% predator, and not a 99% predator. I am sorry that Scott is a predator at all.

Best wishes to Scott going forward from 2018.04.01.

I wrote this as a constituent to the ADTC. who represent everybody, not just cop-suckers...

ADTC folks who censor or remove contents by dissident ADTC constituents have forgotten that reality.

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