Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am an anti-socialist because socialism is a political/economic system, used by people to coercively collect property from people, including you, and to distribute such property to people. I have no problem with sharing voluntarily. I get a rush when I contribute property to causes or people that I support. I share some of my property because I have read that a study showed that people who contribute to help humans in need do better than those who don’t.I am an anti-socialist because I can better decide if to share or how to share my resources than someone else; because you can better decide if to share or how to share your resources than someone else; because someone else can better decide if to share or how to share his resources than either of us.I am an anti-socialist because I oppose a system granting to a gang the power to own, or to regulate ownership of, the means of production and the power to distribute the output of production.I am an anti-socialist because I understand that under socialism, you the individual must serve the group. Socialism is coercive. That’s what socialism is, you know. You are to produce according to your ability, and you are to be satisfied when you receive according to your need, as determined by someone else. That someone else is a gang member. Gang members threaten you with loss of your right to pursue your happiness, with loss of your liberty, and with loss of your life if you do not share your resources as they direct you. That gang is the outfit that seizes your property in someone’s name and transfers it to another person in your name. That outfit is frequently called a government.I am an anti-socialist because I recognize that there are different types of socialism: corporate, community, nationalist, tribal. All of them are used by people to control other people for the benefit of the former. Adept practitioners are able to plan for future events years, decades, or even centuries in advance, even if they die before the events. These guys have a very long time perspective. And they are all about controlling other people.

I am an anti-socialist. You can be one, too. You own you. You decide if you want to or how to share your resources. You decide how you want to pursue your happiness.
You decide. It's your life.Update 6.26.2009http://www.lewrockwell.com/burris/burris15.1.html more about socialism "Ideas Have Consequences", by Burris. Burris provides a comprehensive discussion.http://aaeblog.com/2009/06/22/pootmop-redux/ "POOTMOP Redux!", by Long is a contrasting view of socialism worth reading.


  1. Bravo! Bravo! BRAVO!!!!!!!
    My sentiments exactly! We are rapidly losing the principles on which our country was founded. I also believe that socialism is only a stepping stone for this gang.
    Best Regards, Joe

  2. John van Huizum.11 August, 2009 14:24

    Dear Doc,

    Many years ago a reader asked me about Libertarianism.

    I took him to a meeting and afterwards he said “you guys are not a political party, you are a religion”. I really did not understand what he meant, because Ayn Rand was an atheist. I begin to understand him more and more, because most Libertarians are extremely dogmatic, holding on to doctrines as if they were the revealed Truth about that word they have demonized: “socialism”.

    I also begin to understand why Libertarians may be their own worst enemies, because it is very hard to sell selfishness as a virtue or that Reagan doctrine of “Government is not the solution, it is the problem”, which Libertarians seem to have adopted hook, line, and sinker. I consider that simplistic nonsense.

    The pre-amble to the Constitution clearly states the purpose of these United States , and it does not include “preventive wars”, but it does include the words “general welfare”, which may not have meant a welfare state as we know it.

    What you describe is not socialism, but Marxism, or Communism.

    Even the most so-called socialist nations such as Sweden have very few nationalized industries and an overwhelming number of private enterprises.

    In every democracy with a Constitution the people have voted to include in it a Right to health care, besides virtually all the rights we got in our Bill of Rights.

    To my knowledge there is no movement afoot in our nation or any other democracy to abolish social security and while the foreign healthcare is far from perfect, no country I know of is contemplating to end their health care.

    More than 50% of our bankruptcies are caused by individuals or families owing the health care system more than they could afford to repay.

    Foreign enterprises that provided pensions for their employees could not touch those funds, so as a consequence my brother collects two “private” pensions along with a state pension, because he had two employers in his life.

    Another retired economist-friend of mine in Holland collects 6 private pensions, but one of them is only 8 Euros a month. Your party-loyalty may be somewhat commendable, but it should not deteriorate into “unquestioned faith”.

    John van Huizum.

    June 28, 2009 12:16 PM

  3. Scott Hendricks11 August, 2009 14:25

    I read your letter this Morning. Good for you, I agree with you. We Right minded citizens have to speak our minds.

    This countries leaders are putting us in a world of hurt, right now, but I am sure we will recover and get on the right path.

    I am going on 70 years. I hope I'm around to see this present trend get tuned around.

    Thank you for helping.

    Scott Hendricks
    Agua Dulce
