Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Economics made easy to understand

You decide many of your actions for economic reasons:

  • Can you afford this brand (in front of you) or that brand (over there) of whatever?
  • Should you spend X for a college degree, or for vocational/technical training?
  • Should you invest in a tool, or should you invest in a stock?
  • Should you use resources today, or should you defer such use to a later day?
are just a few examples of the questions you face “in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy;…tracing the consequences of that [act or] policy not merely for one group but for all groups”. (Economics in One Lesson”, Hazlitt).So when you are trying to make up your mind you have to more than look at what you see now; you have to look for what you don’t see yet. You need to think about consequences that affect more than you or your circle.Now, you do not need a PhD to understand economics. But you can get a PhD and make economics so complex that nobody could understand it.If you understand economics, you understand why liberty is the only system through which you can flourish. The book, “Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt contains rational arguments for liberty-oriented actions instead of social-orientated actions.You can buy the book. You can download the book. You can borrow the book.
Get a hold of this book. Learn why understanding economics is so important to living in liberty.

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