Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sheep, Dogs, and Wolves, Oh My!

Some folks use fables to justify systems. One fable is about people as animals.

Remember, socialism is a coercive political/economic system of group ownership, or group control, of production and consumption resources. Humans interact with each other through rational and emotional behavior. Animals interact with each other according to their nature.

Socialism must have dependents, fabled sheep that sheepdogs protect from wolves. Within socialism, the dominant group members assume defense responsibility because, so they say, “most people are unable to defend themselves.” The socialist group owns the means to produce a good or controls the production of that good. They then distribute or control the distribution of that good. In this case, the good is defense.

Socialism dependents supposedly are weak, only wanting to enjoy life’s pleasures and ignorantly live, just like sheep. I have been around sheep. Some sheep are mellow. I can walk right up to them and touch them. Some sheep are skittish. They see me, they run. Other sheep can be hostile, running right into me if I get close enough to them. Some of the sheep I have seen can inflict serious injuries on attackers. Sheep don’t always behave the way folks say they do.

If you can take care of yourself, you don’t need some sort of nanny-daddy to protect you. Unlike a “sheep”, you can learn to defend and protect yourself.(1)

But a nanny-daddy, kind of like a sheepdog, lives to protect and to control. I have had experience with all kinds of dogs. I have noticed that border collie/Australian shepherd type-sheepdogs bite people, enthusiastically push toys or other objects around, and just love to herd other animals. Poorly trained, such dogs can be a pain in the behind. When well trained, they mind their handlers. Sheepdogs don’t always behave the way folks say they do.

Within socialism, “dogs” protect “sheep” from “wolves”, depicted as indiscriminate sadists who live only to prey on the “sheep”. I can only point out that in real life, wolves tend to spare their own kind, and generally kill only for food. Wolves don’t always behave the way folks say they do.

In the socialist world, animals are consumption actors. Herbivore “Citizen Ewe” is shepherded, sheared, shagged, slaughtered, and savored. Carnivorous “Deputy Dog” cooperates and collaborates, corralling the sheep. Carnivorous “Outlaw Wolf” competes, and consumes. So, who owns sheep? Who directs dogs? Who defines wolves? The group does all of that within socialism.

Real humans do all of that in the real world. You own you. You are not chattel requiring protection. You are not a dog obligated to defend owner interests of chattel. You are not a wolf destroying chattel. You are a human who can learn self-defense, who can join with other like-minded folks in mutual defense, who can control impulses to consume more than productive output.

Thank you, Will Grigg for this :"And We, Like Sheep...." http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2009/06/and-we-like-sheep.html

(1) There are websites where you can learn where to go to learn how to do that. They do offer some free advice.

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